Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation specializes in online currency trading of the four major currencies pairs: Japanese Yen, Euro, Pound/Sterling, Swiss Franc, against the dollar. FX Station, our real time trading platform, allows traders with an interest in fundamental and or technical analysis to use several or our charting applications, realtime forex rates, and intra-day ICT news and expert in-house currency market analysis to trade the spot fx (forex) market.
Expert Market Analysis in Video Streaming format - Windows Media Player required to properly view contents


  Performance Forex offers its clients access to the foreign exchange markets through its FX Station trading platform. The most advance dealing, information and analytics system available rolled into one. For those wishing to open an account with us please see our electronic account opening procedure. By opting to open an account online you hereby concur to the validity of the electronic transactions and signatures.  
Open a New Account

Validity of Electronic Transactions By using the following forms I accept the validity of an electronic signature and recognize such as binding. Where applicable, I agree that the use of an 'accept' button or the 'send application form' button is representative of a signature.
I accept:
 >> Opening Procedure 
Step 1. To open an account online you must accept the validity of online transactions and electronic signatures. To do so please check on the I accept box provided.

Step 2. Choose the type of 'Facility Agreement' you want to use. As a rule we advice clients to choose the contracts applicable to their location and situation.

Step 3. Fill in the 'Online Facility Agreement Book'. Note, this agreement is binding to both parties governing the company's relationship with the client.

Step 4. Forward the required Identification Documentation to the respective Regional Support Centers. This completes the Account Opening Procedure you should receive confirmation of our receipt of your application in 24 hours along with the pertinent banking details.

Step 5. Transfer desired margin / investment to the designated bank and wait for notification of our receipt along with your account details. Note that all electronic communication would be directed to the email you have provided in the Facility Agreement.

Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Performance Forex All rights reserved. Contact us for more information.