Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation specializes in online currency trading of the four major currencies pairs: Japanese Yen, Euro, Pound/Sterling, Swiss Franc, against the dollar. FX Station, our real time trading platform, allows traders with an interest in fundamental and or technical analysis to use several or our charting applications, realtime forex rates, and intra-day ICT news and expert in-house currency market analysis to trade the spot fx (forex) market.
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Performance Forex is the online brokerage arm of the Performance Group of Companies, a diversified private business that seeks to enhance people's quality of life by enriching both their personal and corporate wealth. Incorporated in 1998, the group has three key areas of business: financial services, real estate, and international commerce operating across Asia, Australia, Europe and the South Pacific.

The core business of the Performance Group is financial services, existing to grow people's wealth by either managing their finances or giving them greater control in the management of their own wealth. This is achieved by combining innovative application of technology with the development of quality personnel able to meet client needs.

With the group's multi-country scope of operations, foreign exchange transactions is a norm from servicing the internal needs of our asset management operations to facilitating multi-currency cash flows for the group's commercial interests. By developing 'economies of scale' in its currency transactions, we have enjoyed the benefits of first-rate relationships with the largest banks and financial institutions. From such internal needs Performance Forex is a natural off shoot for our operations.

Performance Forex functions as an intermediary between clients and the foreign exchange market. Capitalizing on our relationships with the primary players in foreign exchange, we allow our clients direct access to the forex market thereby enjoying the benefits of size, be they individual investors or smaller financial institutions that take little notice from and remain un-serviced by the first tier market makers.

To provide the utmost service it can, Performance Forex uses the best possible combinations of technology, ingenuity and financial muscle. The latest generation of FX Station, our main dealing platform, is an amalgam of the best features from diverse services normally accessible by subscription or through high overhead-integrated trading systems used by the top financial institutions.

Through FX Station, the company provides round-the-clock access to the forex market either for hedging or investment purposes with liquidity provided for by a ready network of Market Makers normally accessible only to other regional banks and financial institutions. Because of our size and credit standing, users of FX Station gain access to the Spot FX market at margin, leveraging our size and gaining cost efficiency benefits from it.

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